I’ve been working with electronics since 2013 and have experience in the following domains:

  • Power electronics and inverters for various power levels
  • Drives and control  (PMSM, ACIM, DC)
  • Battery Management Systems (BMS)
  • Thermal management 
  • Digital and analog design 
  • High speed integrity and layout
  • Low cost electronics and mass production designs
  • Design for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • Design for assembly/Design for test (DFA/DFT)

My ambition is to stay up to date with recent developments in technology and therefore try to attend some type of course at least once per year. The most recent course attended in 2021 april was switched mode power supplies with saturated inductors. 


Last years course was in the area of DRAM chips. 


Some YouTube channels I follow:

Oscar founded Leon Engineering in 2018 with the aim to provide professional hardware design.